
AUD Students Wins the London Ballet Theatre Backdrop Stage Design using Generative AI


May 08, 2024
School of Architecture, Art & Design

AUD architecture students recently triumphed in the "London Ballet Theater (LBT) Backdrop Stage Design" competition, where their innovative designs have set the scene for "Aladdin's Ballet Story."

After an extensive review by nine esteemed judges from the art and design community, the winning entries were chosen to be featured as the dynamic backdrops throughout the performance at the London Ballet Theatre.


Winner-Backdrop Stage Design

The victorious students hail from the ARCH 301 class, who utilized Generative AI during multiple design charette sessions to craft their captivating images.

The competition was a collaborative effort among AUD-CRID, The London Ballet Theatre supported by the Lord Byron Society, and the London South Bank University (LSBU) supported by Debbie Flevotomou Architects.

Congratulations goes to all AUD students who won:

Group Photo
Amna Shahdoor, Hanin Daryanavard, Ahmed Al Salman, Shamma Alghfeli, Naser Aldakheel, Abbas AlObaidi, Lucie Salou, Areig Abdelmaguid, Tara Chopra, Josephine Chadwick.

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