The elections took place on October 9th
AUD’s American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), American Concrete Institute (ACI), and Water Environment Federation (WEF) student chapters gladly announce the successful election of their new officers. The elections took place on October 9th, overseen by the advisors, Dr. Ryan Doczy, and ACI advisor, Dr. Mohammed Zaki. Elected to lead for the 2023-2024 academic year are Maha Mishah (President), Hussein Mohammed (Vice President), Mohammed Reda Azem (Director), and Marena Shkurti (Secretary). These appointed officers will arrange monthly meetings, organize presentations featuring industry professionals, and collaborate to host AUD’s annual ASCE-ACI Wooden Bridge Competition. Moreover, both the officers and members of ASCE/ACI/WEF have the opportunity to engage in various experimental research projects in the department. This presents an exceptional chance for involvement and growth within the field.