
The 8th year of Innovators in Media Competition, Shaping the Future of Media

The American University in Dubai, in cooperation with the UAE Ministry of Education and Emirates Schools Establishment

Mar 08, 2024

The American University in Dubai, in cooperation with the UAE Ministry of Education and Emirates Schools Establishment, is launching the eighth edition of the “Innovators in Media” Press Article Competition for the academic year 2023/2024, entitled:

The Role of Scientific Research in the Development of Societies and the Progress of Nations (Spotlight on the UAE)

The competition is open for grade 12 students, citizens and residents, in public and private schools. The entries will be accepted in both Arabic and English.

Participant must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Write a newspaper article of no more than 1,200 words and no less than 1,000 words.
  • Define scientific research, its importance, and the possibility of its application in schools.
  • Link scientific research with intellectual effort. The more creative the mind is, the more creative the results will be.
  • Include two to three examples about the success of scientific research in enriching thinking and link this to aspects of modernity and excellence in various fields in the UAE. The participant must provide evidence to support the idea.
  • Emphasize the role of the school in promoting creative thinking and motivating students to conduct scientific research.
  • Attach evidence (e.g. pictures) about scientific research and its impact on the development and modernity of Emirati society in different fields.
  • The application should include the participant’s name, the name of the school, the name of the Emirate, personal phone number, and email
  • Submissions should be sent to the following email: 

The deadline for entries is April 25, 2024, and results will be announced on May 10, 2024

The competition is sponsored by EmiratesNBD.

The first winner will receive a scholarship to the Mohammed bin Rashid School of Communication and valuable prizes will be offered to the next three winners.

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