AUD has been committed to enhancing its sustainability initiatives through delivering engagements and other endeavors that support various Sustainable Development Goals along with integrating sustainability focused topics and projects into the program curricula. Such commitment stems directly from AUD’s mission which aims to serve as a culturally diverse learning community committed to the pursuit of knowledge through excellence in teaching and scholarly and creative endeavor, leading to students’ academic, personal and professional success, as well as the advancement of society.
Hence, the SDGs selected for AUD’s sustainability strategy are aligned with AUD’s mission and vision as highlighted thereafter;
AUD’s Sustainability Strategy contributes to promoting excellence in teaching and scholarly and creative endeavor through commitment to SDG 4- Quality Education, SDG 10-Reduced Inequalities, and SDG 17-Partnerships for the Goals. The University’s efforts to advance students’ academic, personal and professional success as well as the advancement of society are supported by its commitment to SDG3-Good Health & Well-Being, SDG 5-Gender Equality, SDG 9-Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure and SDG 11-Sustainable Cities & Communities.
These SDGs have been supported throughout the years by the whole AUD community including faculty, staff & students as part of the university’s strategic planning. This is evidenced through the various events, workshops, initiatives, clubs & etc., which are highlighted distinctively in the SDGs and AUD Community Achievements.