
CRID Webinar Series: Heritage & Development: Towards New Challenges of City Landscapes

This session will host the founder of Concepts and Methods, Dr. Marlène Chahine

Start Wed, Jun 01
End Wed, Jun 01

This session from the CRID Webinar Series will host the founder of Concepts and Methods, Dr. Marlène Chahine, who will talk about the new challenges of today’s city landscapes and to what extent development helps heritage, and enhances or devalues it. Heritage can be anywhere, and often in the unexpected. Development can be reconversion, renovation, evolution, progress and, among other things, sometimes oddly deterioration. How do heritage and development combine together? And what could be the opportunities or the threats of this combination?

Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. (Dubai)


Webinar Series 35

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