This session from the CRID Seminar Series will host Barbara Klinkhammer
School of Architecture, Art and Design
Center for Research, Innovation, and Design (CRID)
This session from the CRID Seminar Series will host Dean and Professor from Thomas Jefferson University, Barbara Klinkhammer, Dipl.-Ing. who is also the Director of SMARTlab@Jefferson, and President of Architectural Research Center Consortium (ARCC). this lecture explores innovative strategies to address the complex challenges of rapid urbanization and climate change, focusing on sustainable development as an essential response to unprecedented urban growth. It will also examines how integrating green infrastructure—such as parks, green roofs, and urban forests—with approaches like adaptive reuse of buildings, transit-oriented development, and community-centered revitalization can enhance urban resilience, reduce carbon footprints, and improve urban quality of life. Following the lecture by Professor Barbara Klinkhammer, join us for an informative session on the graduate and PhD programs at Thomas Jefferson University. Jefferson’s advanced programs in architecture, design, and construction offer a tailored educational experience with a wide range of electives, dual degree options, and specializations. Philadelphia’s vibrant design and construction sector serves as an urban laboratory, providing students with practical projects and valuable networking opportunities. Collaborations with professional firms and nonprofit organizations emphasize social equity, sustainability, and design excellence, equipping graduates to become innovative leaders. Ranked in 2024 in the top 12% of National Universities by the Wall Street Journal, Thomas Jefferson University is a distinguished National Research University.
Note: Registration is not required
Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 3:30pm (Dubai)
Location: EMBA115
*The image in the above poster is the work and rendering of Jefferson alumnus Joseph Sauers’22