
Sustainability Lecture Series

A cross-disciplinary lecture series that explores various aspects of sustainability

Start Thu, Oct 05
End Tue, Mar 05

AUD’s Sustainability Lecture Series is a cross-disciplinary lecture series that explores various aspects of sustainability, where experts discuss cutting-edge solutions for a greener tomorrow and help spread awareness on the global opportunities and challenges surrounding issues such as energy transition, sustainable infrastructure and development, and the role of technology.


January 29

January 29

Germany and the COP28 in Dubai

February 5

February 5

Return to the Roots: Maximizing Impact with Loofah's Repurposing Potential

February 14

February 14

Digital Safety Unleashed: Tales from Real-Life Digital Forensic Cases

March 5

March 5

Innovation & Sustainable Bathrooms Latest Design Trends



October 5

October 5

The Impact of Sustainable Micro Energy Generators on Habitat, Health and Agriculture

October 16

October 16

Sustainability Assessment of Productive Palm Tree Plantation in the Urban Landscapes of Dubai

October 25

October 25

Impact of Sustainable Design on the Service Life of Reinforced Concrete Structures

October 31

October 31

Energy Geo-structures: Harnessing the Earth's Energy

November 1

November 1

F&B Design and Sustainable Components

November 2

November 2

Residential Design and Sustainable Initiatives

November 6

November 6

Mapping Floods and Landslides using Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Disaster Management

November 13

November 13 biology

Unlocking Cancer's Secrets: The Key Role of Cancer Stem Cells

November 13

November 13

Sustainable Inclusive Education and explore workable solutions to meet SDG4 – Quality Education for ALL

November 15

November 15

A New Design Emergency: Envisioning a Sustainable Future Thanks to Artificial Intelligence

November 20

November 20

Data Science Workshop (Python) Using SDG Global Database

November 20

November 20

Intelligent Transportation Solutions Supporting Social Sustainability

November 22

November 22

The Legal Identity of Children on the Move,
Protecting Unaccompanied Migrant Children through Private International Law:

November 29

November 29

Climate Storytelling and Relationships Between Humans and Nature

December 1

December 1

Creative (Climate) Communication for Our Common Future

December 5

December 5

AI in Medical Imaging: Brave New World

December 6

December 6

Eco-Lifestyles and Green Consumption: Origins, Spillovers, Hope and Despair

December 11

December 11

Climate change and Education: How are we shaping a new educational policy landscape to tackle the climate crisis?


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