
AUD Honors Creative Competition Winners

Last week, AUD President Dr. David Schmidt honored winners of the Mohammad Bin Rashid School (MBRSC) for Communication Competition for Creators in Media. Highschool student Abdul Rahman Al-Khatib won first place in the Short Film category.

Sep 21, 2020

Last week, AUD President Dr. David Schmidt honored winners of the Mohammad Bin Rashid School (MBRSC) for Communication Competition for Creators in Media. Highschool student Abdul Rahman Al-Khatib won first place in the Short Film category.

Dr. Schmidt presented him with a Certificate of Appreciation and a scholarship to AUD’s prestigious MBRSC, and congratulated him on his dedication and excellence, wishing him continued academic excellence.

Dr. David Schmidt awards Abdul Rahman Al-Khatib

Dr. Sabrina Joseph, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at AUD, congratulated high school student Rama Nadal for winning the award in the Journalism Report category. Dr. Joseph presented her with a Certificate of Appreciation.

Dr. Sabrina Joseph awards Rama Nadal

Due to the COVID19 pandemic and current ministry restrictions, AUD did not hold the annual ceremony collectively, which was scheduled to be held in cooperation with the Dubai Press Club during the activities of the Arab Media Forum. Therefore, the winners were notified and awarded individually.

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