
AUD Interior Design Students, winners of “Light for Future” iGuzzini Student Design Challenge 2022

AUD Interior Design students won first place at the iGuzzini Student Design Challenge 2022.

Dec 16, 2022
School of Architecture, Art & Design

AUD Interior Design students won first place at the iGuzzini Student Design Challenge 2022. This initiative, in collaboration with the AUD Interior Design Department, AUDesign lab and iGuzzini, allowed students to present their final projects at iGuzzini Lounge in Downtown Design during Dubai Design Week 2022 in d3, Dubai. The winning projects were OUR POWER by Amal Muhammad Ibrahim & Hamda AlQemzi and VITA by Shooq Alshaali & Yasaman Rahmanikhalili

The projects were developed during the IDES392 Studio VI Smart Design course, led by Professor Annamaria Lambri, AUD Associate Professor and Outreach Coordinator Interior Design Department, in collaboration with iGuzzini: Sergio Padula, Technical Director Middle East & English-Speaking Africa; Saba Napoletano, Marketing Services Manager - Middle East and iGuzzini team.

The challenge explores the use of lighting as a social innovator tool, enhancing the interaction between urban surroundings and creativity to transform places into lively, proactive locations. Through a luminous and narrative creative concept, the winning projections communicate and raise awareness on the importance of environmental sustainability. Bravo to all the talented AUD winners!

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