
AUD response and updates on COVID-19

The American University in Dubai is closely following all developments and news surrounding the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Multiple precautionary measures have been taken by the university to safeguard the health and safety of our community, as we work closely with the UAE government and relevant authorities in preventing the spread of the virus.

Mar 15, 2020

Latest updates


  • The 2020 Graduation Ceremony has been postponed and will be revisited and scheduled for a later date. 7/4/2020
  • The AUD Student Gala for the graduating class of 2020 has been cancelled. 30/3/2020
  • All AUD departments are working remotely and can be reached by phone or email. 25/3/2020
  • Student learning has been extended until the end of June 2020 as per the Ministry of Education's announcement. 25/03/2020
  • Installation of thermal camera to monitor body temperature of ALL employees on campus. 23/03/20
  • launch of online academic advising for students through one on one video conferencing sessions. 22/03/20
  • All administrative departments can be reached by phone or email.
  • Meetings are currently not being scheduled and external visitors cannot be granted access to the campus.
  • A thorough sanitization and deep clean of the university, including the dorms, all public spaces, classrooms and labs was conducted over Spring Break.
  • All community members are required to stay at home self-quarantine if any member of their household is suffering from COVID-19 related symptoms or has returned from a recently affected area.
  • AUD is working closely with all the relevant local and international authorities to implement health, safety and hygiene best practices to curb and limit the spread of the virus.
  • To date, the community has no cases of COVID-19.

 For any health concerns, please contact AUD Health Center
 Tel: 04-3183 200



Government and Ministry Announcements


  • As of Saturday, the 5th of April, the UAE Government has announced a 24 hour national sanitization program for two weeks. UAE residents are asked not to leave their homes unless it is for getting essential groceries and medication, attending a medical appointment or for Covid-19 testing. A special authorization is required to leave the house for any of those reasons, that can be obtained through the following link:
  • The Dubai Health Authority has launched a WhatsApp service to answer queries on Coronavirus. To access the 24/7 service, simply add 800342 to you phone contacts and send them "Hi" on WhatsApp.
  • In line with the Ministry of Education’s announcement, and with our students’ health and safety at heart, the American University in Dubai will continue its online learning journey until the end of June. 30/4/2020



Registrar Updates


  1. What is a No-Pass (“NP”) grade?  The “NP” grade policy has been employed to address the special circumstances of remote instruction as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  A No-Pass (“NP”) will be issued automatically for each course in which a student receives a final grade of “F”. 
  2. Do I have to repeat the course in which I obtain an “NP” grade ?  Yes. Students would need to retake the course (or its approved equivalent) at a later time subject to the regular fee schedule published by the university during the semester in which the course(s) is taken.   
  3. What is the difference between an “NP” and a Fail (‘F’)   For one, the “NP”' does not impact the GPA and does not count as one of the 3 attempts that students have to take a course. An “NP” also ensures a student avoids having an ‘F’ on his/ her transcript.  
  4. What is a “P” grade?   A “P’ is the grade used to denote a passed course. This grade notation shall not be issued automatically. Students who receive a passing grade in a course but wish to convert their letter grade to P will have to apply for that. Students who apply to change their letter grade to “P” will not be allowed to revert back to the letter grade thereafter. 
  5. Does either the “P” or “NP” grade affect my GPA?   Neither of these counts towards a student’s semester or Cumulative GPA 
  6. What do I need to do to change my letter grade to a “P”?    Upon the release of the Spring 2020 grades, students who receive a passing grade in a course and wish to receive a Pass (“P”) as opposed to a letter grade may submit an online request to have their grade changed to “P”. The online platform through which this change may be requested will be shared with all students by April 26. 
  7. When is the last day to change letter grade to a “P”?    You must submit this request no later than May 11, 2020 
  8. Does changing my letter grade to a “P” affect my Dean’s List notation?    Yes, students who opt for a grade change to “P” in any course will not be eligible for the Dean’s Honor List. 
  9. Does a “P” grade affect my graduation with honors?   No. Having a “P” grade in the transcript does not affect a student’s eligibility to graduate with honors 
  10. Who should I talk to in case I am not sure whether to request a “P” or not?   You should meet with your Academic Advisor to discuss questions related to the impact of a ‘P’ on your overall academic progress or standing. 


Online Final Exams and Final Grades Update:


  1. Exams will be held as per the Spring 2020 Final Exam Schedule published by the Registrar’s Office.
  2. Some courses will require online exams proctored by the Respondus Lockdown Browser (all or select components) through Blackboard and, when required, Zoom.  In such cases, students must have their camera functional for the duration of the exam.
  3. Instructions for students on how to use these tools can be found here: BB Lockdown Browser For Students.pdf    Instructions for Students - Zoom and Respondus Lockdown Browser.pdf
  4. Final grades will be posted by May 6, 2020
  5. After final grades are posted and where applicable, students can submit a request for a ‘Pass’ through the Registrar’s Portal by May 11, 2020 (see below FAQs related to P/NP option)



Community FAQ


  • What is the current status of student learning?
    The university is following the recent measures announced by the Ministry of Education and KHDA, and will continue delivering classes via the online-learning platforms.
  • I travelled during Spring Break and returned to the UAE. What steps I should take?
    If you checked out of the dorms and travelled abroad, you are required to self-quarantine for 14 days, and provide a report of clean health from a family doctor or healthcare practitioner at the end of your quarantine. This document cannot be obtained from the AUD Health Center. If you left the dorms but did not leave the UAE, you may return to the dorms but will be required to provide proof ( passport, etc.) that you did not travel internationally.
  • Can I return directly to the residence halls if I travelled outside the United Arab Emirates?
    Upon arrival to the UAE, you should find alternative accommodation in which you can exercise self-quarantine for 14 days. By the end of this period, you should provide an official medical report of good health to the AUD Health Center. You should also present your passport with your arrival date. Once you are cleared by an AUD health practitioner following a 14-day quarantine, you can settle back into your dorm room.
  • Can I return to the residence halls if I checked-out prior or during the Spring break but I remained in the UAE?
    If you were in the UAE during the Spring Break, you may return to the dorms but will be required to provide proof, (passport or other documents as requested) that you did not travel internationally.
  • I am currently staying on campus. Can I check-in my parent or my friend as a visitor?
    No, AUD is upholding high vigilance of prevention measures and will not be accepting any external guests for dorms students and community members. Only students residing in the dorms will be allowed in and out.
  • I have relatives/friends visiting from a country with reported cases, should I self-quarantine?
    Yes, faculty, staff and students who are in close contact with people returning from travel should share this information with the AUD Health Center and be advised on next steps accordingly.
  • Can I return to the residence halls if I am coming from a country in which few or no cases of COVID-19 virus were identified?
    For the safety of the students and the community all residents who travelled outside the UAE should follow the recommendations that are enlisted in question (1) above, stating that anyone travelling outside of the UAE is requested to self-quarantine for 14 days with no symptoms of COVID-19 have been felt.
  • Since the university is closed, how can I book for Fall 2020 housing?
    You may pay the housing deposit online and through bank transfer. Please inform our Finance office via this email:  that the amount paid is toward Fall’s housing.
  • Are student events or gatherings still scheduled?
    All events or student gatherings, Clubs, Resident Assistants’ and others are suspended until further notice.
  • I was planning on participating in a Study Abroad/Exchange Program next year, is that still possible?
    Study Abroad and Exchange applications are on hold until measures and precautions have significantly eased and the safety and welfare of our students is no longer deemed at risk.



Health Center


The AUD Health Center has been extremely proactive in addressing the situation and educating our community on the precautionary and preventative measures that should be followed to minimize any contamination risks. This was conducted through a series of online, offline and peer to peer sessions since early January, based on guidelines from regional and international authorities including: The UAE Ministry of Health, Dubai Health Authority, Center for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) , World Health Organization (WHO) , along with the ongoing support of our partners, the American Hospital Dubai.

Several practical measures were additionally implemented from early January to increase hygiene and reduce exposure risk to the virus. These include:

  • Launch of the online learning platforms for students to practice successful social distancing with no effect
  • Installing many hand sanitizing stations across the university, including in the dorm rooms and common areas.
  • Contacting all students, staff and faculty who have travelled to affected areas
  • Cancelling all university trips, events, and student gatherings.
  • Sealing off all common areas to avoid grouping.
  • Assessment of all cleaning protocols and procedures to ensure they are effective to counter the nature of the virus
  • Increase in frequency of cleaning all high touch point areas, including common areas, door knobs, light switches, and other.
  • Distribution of leaflet and flyer with information about the virus and how to prevent spread and contamination.
  • Internal travel declaration form created for all members of the AUD community (faculty, staff and students) to monitor travels to the most affected areas.


Timeline of the awareness campaign led by the Health Center on COVID-19:

  • A Healthy AUD, Updates Guidelines 17/3/20
  • Updates information, setups, and health facilities 15/3/20
  • Pandemic response plan shared with President 3/3/20
  • Coronavirus, COVID-19 Awareness presentation to AUD Helpers 5/3/20
  • Pre-Travel declaration form created 1/3/20, forwarded with Guidelines to AUD Community 2/3/20
  • Virus prevention PP. Posters on Workers camp 1/3/20
  • Health and Safety Circular 1/3/20
  • Coronavirus Disease 2019 Information guidelines for Travel created 1/3/20, forwarded 2/3/20
  • COVID-19 meeting with President, Provost, and Senior management 27/2/20
  • COVID-19 Awareness lecture and Workshop (AHD) 19/2/20
  • Health Center Policy & Procedures Pandemic Response Plan, COVID-19, HCP 29
  • A Healthy AUD part 4, Novel Coronavirus Educational Guidelines 9/2/20
  • A Healthy AUD part 3, Measures and Prevention COVID-19, sent 4/2/20
  • Health Center Policy & Procedures COVID-19, HCP 28
  • Facts and Measures to Prevent Spread of Respiratory Diseases created and distribute 6/2/20
  • 9 Tips to Treat Colds and Flu the 'Natural' Way 6/2/20
  • A Healthy AUD, part 2 sent 30/1/20
  • A Healthy AUD (1st email) sent 29/1/20
  • Coronavirus Novel Posters, Leaflets and brochures 29/1/20



COVID 19 symptoms and emergency contact


  • What are the symptoms of COVID- 19?
    The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough and shortness of breath.
  • Could I have COVID-19?
    • If you have a fever, cough or shortness of breath but have not been around anyone who you know has COVID-19, the likelihood that you have COVID19 is fairly low. If you do not have a high-risk condition (age 60 years or over, are pregnant, or have medical conditions) and your symptoms are mild, you do not need to be evaluated in person and do not need to be tested for COVID-19.
    • If your symptoms are severe, have cough, fever ( 37.5°C or above), difficulty breathing, you have a high-risk condition, or you feel like you need medical care and are worried that you may have COVID-19, please make your way safely to the closest testing center to you as listed below.
  • How can I reduce the risk of catching and spreading COVID 19?
    To reduce your risk of catching or spreading illness, stay home if you feel sick, even if your symptoms are mild (fever below 37.5°C, runny nose, cold or flu symptoms). Do not go to work, school or public places, and avoid public transportation.
  • What are the facts and measures to protect myself:
    In general, the best way to help prevent spread of COVID-19 is to avoid contact with droplets or secretions of saliva, mucus and tears. Things that can help include the following:
    • Minimize close contact with persons who have symptoms of respiratory illness, such as coughing or sneezing.
    • Contain droplets that result from coughing and sneezing (following Respiratory Hygiene/Cough Etiquette: To cover the face with disposable napkins and discard properly).
    • Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds. This is especially important after touching surfaces or objects that might be contaminated with respiratory droplets, or after touching persons who are ill with respiratory symptoms. Alcohol hand gels are an adequate substitute when soap and clean water are not readily available.
    • Take everyday preventive measures: Avoid sharing personal items such as eating or drinking utensils, toothbrushes, and towels. You should especially avoid sharing these items with sick persons.
    • Avoid animals (alive or dead) animal markets, and products that come from animals (such as uncooked meat.
    • Maintain a clean working/ living environment: Be mindful by trying to clean your area as often as possible to lessen the contaminants and avoid the spread of infection. Wipe up visible material with paper towels and dispose of used towels in a plastic garbage bag o Disinfect using any standard household disinfectant.
  • If you are sick: Wear a facemask and gloves when you are around other people (e.g., sharing a room or vehicle) or pets and before you enter a healthcare provider’s office.
  • Call the DHA Helpline on 800342
  • If you suspect you have COVID 19, follow the steps as listed in the below chart. The AUD Health Center does not provide COVID 19 testing.
  • If you are unwell and test positive for COVID 19, please be sure to inform the AUD Health Center.
  • When and where to take a coronavirus test in the UAE
    The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has issued specific instructions about when to seek medical help and opt for an appointment at any of the public or private hospitals and Primary Health Centers. An individual can now book a Covid-19 test at any health center or hospital provided he or she meets certain basic criteria for the test.
  • Who should go?
     if and individual suffers from symptoms like fever, cough, cold, shortness of breath or experience difficulty in breathing, have a travel history to any of the countries of concern, listed by the Word Health Organization (WHO) or have been in contact with a suspected or confirmed Covid 19 patient, he or she can first practice isolation at home and schedule an appointment by calling the DHA helpline 800342.
  • Documents required:
    Emirates ID

    For any questions related to COVID-19, please check the link below from Dubai Health Authority DHA;


Transfer and new student FAQ



In response to the recent surge of interest in students wishing to transfer to AUD from universities abroad, as well as inquires for new starts for the Fall 2020 semester, the AUD Admissions team has compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to better acquaint you with our US & UAE accredited institution and the enrollment processes. 

  1. I want to transfer from a university abroad, what do  I need to do?
    You will require the following documents:
    • Official transcripts reflecting courses for which transfer credit is sought; attested by the Ministry of Education of the country in which the university is in operation. Attestation is not required from American-accredited universities.
    • Completed Confirmation of University Records Form.
    • Course syllabi for courses completed with a grade of “C” or above.
    • Please note that transferring credits is subject to evaluation and can only be evaluated after the submission of your application. All students must complete a minimum of 50% of their degree program in residency at AUD in order to qualify for an AUD degree.
    • Transfer students can apply online at  where all the required documents can be submitted/uploaded through the application - alternatively, you can email us your documents once you have submitted the application. 
    • Comprehensive information can be found on: . You may also write to   or call +97143183266 if you require additional clarification.


  2. I am  applying to AUD/ transferring to AUD, do I need to submit my application and required documents in person?
    All necessary documents can be uploaded via the application  or via email once the application is completed. 
  3. Can  I do a campus tour?
    In line with Government directives, we are not at present conducting campus tours. However, we invite you to take the AUD Campus Virtual Tour, where you can explore our campus and facilities. Contact
  4. I want to learn more about a specific program, who can  I speak to?
    You can write to   and one of our team will contact you as soon as possible.
    For information regarding AUD’s undergraduate programs, you may visit: 
    For Graduate Programs: 
  5. I would like to speak to a faculty member of a school to learn more about the degree in detail, is that an option?
    Our recruitment team is happy to facilitate communication with a faculty member from your school or program of interest should you require specific course information. Contact  and a member of our recruitment team will help you in answering all of your AUD related questions.
  6. Can  I connect with an in-school student to discuss student life on campus?
    Our School Government Association, all exemplary Knights and community leaders would be happy in answering your questions. If you wish to speak to one of our SGA leaders, kindly ask your admissions counselor to arrange a call.
  7. I'm applying for a scholarship, what is the deadline?
    All scholarship offerings, including eligibility criteria can be found at: 
    We are currently accepting scholarship applications for Fall 2020 for students with a minimum average of 90% equivalent or above. We accept high school records from grade 10, 11, along with the available grades for grade 12. Your folder can be finalized once final exam results are out. 
    Scholarship application deadline is May 21st, 2020
  8. Does AUD help in getting a student visa?
    Yes, AUD assists all students in applying for a student visa through our visa office. Additional details are available at:
  9. Does AUD offer dorms for students?
    Convenient, comfortable and safe accommodation is available on campus; detailed information can be found at:
  10. If my high school final exams are postponed or cancelled, will that affect my acceptance at AUD?
    We are mindful of the current situation, and understand that not all documents will be accessible for submission right away. As the situation gains more clarity, AUD will be accepting students based on criteria set forth by the Ministry of Education in the UAE. To discuss your particular situation, you can schedule a video call or speak to one of our admissions team members for guidance on next steps at
  11. Can I pay online? 
    Yes, the Finance Office will send you an individual secure link once your enrollment is complete. The Finance Office can be contacted at
  12. Question added: What are your tuition fees?
    Please visit:
  13. What will be the mode of teaching in the fall?
    AUD has seamlessly adapted and transitioned to online learning as part of our response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Once the global health situation, and specifically that of the UAE, abates, we look forward to welcoming our students back on campus, and into our classrooms. We are working to safeguard the health and well-being of our students, while ensuring that their educational journey remains on track. 

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