
AUD Students win Huawei Theme Design Competition

In collaboration with the Visual Communication Department

Nov 24, 2019

The Visual Communication Department worked with Huawei again this on a more comprehensive design challenge for our students.

Advertising and graphic design students worked on this challenge as part of their coursework evaluation methods, supervised by Professor Bakalka and Professor Dina Faour.


Competition details are found below: 

Title: Hello, Young Talent: UAE Students Huawei Theme Design Competition


Campus Theme Design Competition by Huawie HONOR hosted a competition for students to express their creative talents.  The competition was open to university students in the MENA region and went live on the 26th September. Huawei have selected a handful of well-reputed universities that they wanted to directly work with and provide support as well as cross-promote this competition with.



The brand features a theme gallery with generic designs (international).


Huawei needed one of the following options for:


Topic 1:

Middle Eastern and South Asian Cultures. 

Targeting either one is fine. We are trying to represent the diverse culture in the region. So combining both cultures could also be interesting.


Topic 2:

The designer’s rendition of the 21st century

Young, Modern, and innovative. Tech, and Chic is what the brand represents.



Based on the selected direction, each student would need to design a wallpaper for the lock screen (static or live), wallpaper on home screen, and 12-16 customised icons for related to the theme and design.


Works submitted were assessed and winners were selected by a jury panel of 4 industry professionals, of which Professor Laura was also part of.


All works were assessed anonymously based on a set criteria provided by Huawei team, averages were calculated and the winners were announced at an event on Thursday 21st Nov of which AUD students were the dominating numbers.


  • 1st place: Gold award: Pakinam Mansour (Gold award certificate + Honor 20 PRO)
  • Silver awards: Bassma Tabbara Ibrahim Zoroub, Dalia Al Ashrafi, Anood Kurdi (each received Honor X Series + Silver award certificates)
  • Bronze award: Bassma Tabbara (Honor Band 5 + Bronze award certificate)


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