
Biology Students Shine at the 2024 AUD Annual Gala Dinner and Graduation Ceremony


May 04, 2024
School of Arts & Sciences

The AUD Biology Class of 2024 celebrates a remarkable achievement as the Biology Student Society secures the prestigious 'Outstanding Student Club Award' for the second consecutive year. This recognition highlights the unwavering dedication and commitment of the society's President, officers, and all active members.

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Additionally, Ms. Maya Atwi is honored with the 'Outstanding Biology Student Award' for her consistent demonstration of exemplary behavior, maturity, resilience, and proactivity throughout her academic journey.

Furthermore, Mr. Tony Butrus attained the highest academic standing among the graduates of the School of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Programs and received the School of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Award during AUD's 27th Graduation Ceremony. His outstanding academic performance and dedication to his studies exemplify the high standards and academic excellence we strive for at AUD.

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Congratulations to all the graduates and award recipients for their outstanding accomplishments. As they embark on their next chapter, their alma mater stands proud, knowing they will continue to shine brightly in their chosen paths.

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