
Launching the Resilience Diploma Professional Development Program at AUD

In collaboration with the Dubai Police, 16 participants from local departments and institutions in Dubai enrolled

May 18, 2022

In collaboration with the Dubai Police, 16 participants from local departments and institutions in Dubai enrolled in the first cohort of the Resilience Diploma Professional Development Program at AUD.

The program prepares participants to have clear strategies to deal with emergencies and disasters, enabling them to become Resilience Officers.

The program targets all workers in the field of resilience within the partners of Dubai Resilience Program, from the private and public sectors.

Through this program, participants are able to transfer the acquired basic knowledge and skills to their various institutions to achieve a common and integrated understanding that enhances their institutional flexibility, and thus enhances the resilience of the city and the state.

The program focuses on the concept of resilience, global frameworks for risk mitigation and resilience, risk management and mitigation, business continuity planning, flexibility in support of crisis and risk management, resilience and global priorities and the interdependence of food, water and energy security.

The inauguration of the program was attended by Lt. Col. Abdullah Al-Habbab, Deputy Director of the Emergency, Crisis and Disaster Management Center in Dubai Police, Dr. Saud Al-Quraan, Advisor at Dubai Police, and Dr. Hassan Zeineddine, Director of Executive Programs at AUD.

Colonel Ahmed Bourguiba, Director of the Emergency, Crisis and Disaster Management Center at Dubai Police, said: "The concept of resilience is defined as the ability to anticipate and resist destructive events, reduce harmful effects, respond effectively, preserve or restore jobs, and adapt in a way that allows learning and rebuilding. In short, it is developing the capabilities of different countries and cities, the capabilities of citizens and life systems so that they remain effective and efficient across a range of future conditions.”

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