
Short Story Competition for High School Students

The American University in Dubai, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the Cultural and Scientific Association, is organizing a short story contest for grade 12 students in the public and private schools.

Nov 01, 2020

The American University in Dubai, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the Cultural and Scientific Association, is organizing a short story contest for grade 12 students in the public and private schools.

This contest is open to UAE nationals and resident students.

The competition aims to support the young generation, to discover young talents, and to support their careers as future writers.

Competition Details:

  • Short story theme: a fiction story – life in the UAE after 50 years
  • The number of words should be at least 600, and not more than 1200 words
  • The story can be written in Arabic or English
  • The story should not have been previously published
  • The deadline for receiving entries is February 1, 2021
  • The results will be announced March 15, 2021

The first-prize winner will receive a scholarship
 at the American University in Dubai, and the top three winners will receive other valuable prizes.

The participant writes his/her name, the name of his/her school, telephone number, and email.

Entries should be sent, along name, the name of the school, and telephone number to:

For information and inquiries contact Nadir Makansi at:

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