
The Feature Story competition

Highlighting the elements that make Expo 2020 Dubai distinct

Nov 07, 2021

The Mohammed Bin Rashid School for Communication at The American University in Dubai in collaboration with The Ministry of Education, the Dubai Press Club, and the Culture and Science Symposium in Dubai



Highlighting the elements that make Expo 2020

a competition for high school students in English or Arabic

for Grade 12 students nationwide, in public and private schools

(citizens and residents)


The first winner will receive a Scholarship at The Mohammed Bin Rashid School for Communication
The next three winners will receive other valuable awards


The Feature Story is a press report that begins with an introduction to the story, followed by the presentation of the subject and a conclusion. It should be objective and should not include the author’s personal opinion.

“Feature Story” competition for high school students.

The competition aims to support the upcoming generation in discovering their writing talents and honing their skills in journalism.

Competition details:

  • The Feature Story should highlight the elements that make Expo 2020 Dubai distinct/special
  • The Feature Story may be written in English or Arabic
  • Submissions should be between 500 and 800 words
  • All submissions should include three interviews, with interviewees from both genders (male and female)
  • High-quality photos of the interviewees should be included with the Feature Story
  • Submissions should be mindful of word choice and written using correct grammar and punctuation. Sentences should be short and include relevant background information
  • Direct quotes and references must be placed in quotation marks
  • Submissions must include the student’s full name, school name, phone number, and email address
  • The submission deadline is 1, February 2022. Results will be announced on 1, March 2022

Please send submissions to the following email:

The competition is sponsored by EmiratesNBD.

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