
The Short Film competition

Inspired by Expo 2020 Dubai, a perspective on the cultural diversity in the UAE and how it impacts our lives

Nov 07, 2021

The Mohammed Bin Rashid School for Communication at The American University in Dubai in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the Sultan Bin Ali Al Owais Cultural Foundation



Inspired by Expo 2020 Dubai, a perspective on the cultural diversity in the

UAE and how it affects our lives.

a high school competition

Short Film in English or Arabic for Grade 12 students nationwide, in public and private schools (citizens and residents)


The winner will receive a Full Scholarship at AUD-MBRSC

The next three winners will receive other awards prizes


The Mohammed Bin Rashid School for Communication is pleased to announce a revamped short film competition open for all students (citizens and residents) attending public and private high schools in the UAE.

The competition guidelines are as follows:

  1. Students must submit a one to three-minute original short film (fully shot and edited by the student) based on the following theme:
    Inspired by Expo 2020 Dubai, a perspective on the cultural diversity in the UAE and how it affects our lives.
  2. A brief text describing the rationale behind the creative treatment of the short film (no more than 250 words).
  3. Students must shoot the film on their mobile phone and share it in MP4 H264 format on a social media platform of their choice, including the hashtag #expo2020_MBRSC. The file should be named as follows: Contestant full name film title_MBRSC_HSC2022.
  4. Deadline for submissions is 1st February 2022. Winners to be announced 1st March 2022.

The film can be fictional, documentary, or any other free form, so long as it portrays the theme creatively.

Projects will be evaluated based on the originality of the idea, concept, creativity, technique (high-quality sound and video), and relevance to the theme of “our lives in multi-cultural Dubai.”

We advise students to conduct research to enrich their project with facts.

Students should send the link of their submission, with their full name, school name, phone number and email address to

The competition is sponsored by EmiratesNBD.

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