
Khaled Abuljebain

I graduated from AUD back in 2015 with a double major in Finance & Economics.

Graduated 2015
Khaled Abuljebain

I graduated from AUD back in 2015 with a double major in Finance & Economics. The lessons, experiences, and the friendships I made during those years are still a big part of my life and who I am. Today, I am a Certified Rapid Transformational Therapist & Founder of “Hope It Helps”, a Podcast & Podcasting Consultancy. I believe that you can always learn something from anyone and that anything can be solved through open and honest communication. The reason I created “Hope It Helps” is because over the past few years, I watched and listened to numerous interviews & podcasts that had a huge impact on my life both personally and professionally.


“I believe that we grow the most by speaking to other people, they are our biggest teachers. So, sit back, listen, learn and always show appreciation to others. Sometimes it just takes one conversation to completely change your life”, says Khaled.

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