
AUD hosts YouthSpeak Forum

A forum where inspiration and collaboration convert to action

Apr 29, 2017
AUD is hosting YouthSpeak, a global youth movement powered by AIESEC, to empower young people to take action on world issues. 

Date: Saturday, April 29, 2017
Venue: American University in Dubai Auditorium
Schedule, click here.
For more information:

The movement is centered around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that were released by the UN in 2015 (replacing the previous Millenium Development Goals) and are targeted to be accomplished by 2030.

The movement starts with the global YouthSpeak Survey, followed by the YouthSpeak Insights from the survey, ends with the YouthSpeak Forum conference.
YouthSpeak Forum is a premiere event that brings together both young and senior leaders to form a diverse cross-sector and multi-generational space for inspiring conversations around pressing global issues.
The forum aims to create an environment where people from diverse backgrounds can cross-pollinate ideas, share insights and gain new perspectives to create actionable outcomes to push the world forward.
We make this happen by taking our delegates through the unique and interactive framework of Inspire, Engage, Act.
Inspire: To create change, it must also change mindsets. Every YouthSpeak Forum is arranged to inspire the delegates through experiential learning, power talks and keynote speakers. We want to open the minds of delegates to think differently and spark new innovations.
Engage: Creating a positive impact requires different strengths and capabilities. By bringing together people from diverse backgrounds across sectors and geographies, we form a rich learning environment where speakers from varying organizations bring challenging perspectives and help spark opinions from the delegates.
Act: Taking action is the most important part. As inspiration and engagement occurs throughout the day, we want to ensure that delegates are given the chance to group together and form the sense of ownership and commitment towards the ideas and projects they pitch. We connect resources and networks with the projects to enable a real impact to occur.[1]
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