AUD Outstanding Students
AUD students Krisha Mehta, Henna Mohnani, and Prakarti Lakhwani have been nominated and selected for Harvard Undergraduate Women In Business (HUWIB) Association’s exclusive Campus Ambassador Leadership Program (CALP), making AUD the only university in the Middle East to be selected. The team will promote HUWIB’s annual Intercollegiate Business Convention (IBC), part of the WIB weekend, in Boston, Massachusetts, from October 4th to October 6th, 2013.
On behalf of the team, Krisha Mehta commented: “We are very proud to be associated with HUWIB and to be part of their prestigious Campus Ambassador Leadership Program. The excitement is building up and we are looking forward to meeting some great personalities at the convention.”
The students’ duties and responsibilities consist of contributing to the Leading Ladies Blog, organizing events that encourage leadership development of female students at the university and engaging them in meaningful discussions about business and empowerment.
The Intercollegiate Business Convention is the largest undergraduate business convention in the world and provides a unique opportunity for dynamic female leaders worldwide to expand their network of peers and mentors and learn from the experiences of top business leaders. Attendees will listen to engaging keynote speeches, attend panels and workshops, and have access to an exclusive career fair.
*Source: The Intercollegiate Business Convention