
AUD Students Pitch Campaign Ideas for Volkswagen Polo to Memac Ogilvy & Mather

Students from the School of Business Administration Department of Marketing and Marketing Communications at the American University in Dubai enrolled in the IMC Campaign Development capstone

Apr 26, 2012

Students from the School of Business Administration Department of Marketing and Marketing Communications at the American University in Dubai enrolled in the IMC Campaign Development capstone course with Dr. Sara Kamal, Assistant Professor of Marketing Communications at AUD, after spending the term developing an integrated marketing communications (IMC) campaign for the launch of the Polo Sedan for Volkswagen.

Five student teams presented their final project to representatives from one of the leading Marketing Communications networks in the world Memac Ogilvy & Mather, represented by Strategic Planning Director, Mr. Evan Kearney and Creative Director, Mr. Ramzi Moutran.

Proudly commenting about her students’ professional presentations, Dr. Sara Kamal said: “I am delighted to collaborate with Memac Ogilvy & Mather for the second year in a row for our capstone MCOM course. The seniors were tasked with a challenging project for a great brand, one that has an instrumental role in the field of advertising and marketing communications.”

The winning team called “7000 Watts” consisted of the following students: Account Manager - Henna Mohnani, Account Planner - Ali Lizzaik, Art Director - Ghalia AlGosaibi, Art Director - Sari Al Houseini, Copywriter - Joyce Baran, Creative Director and Photographer - Maya Tahle, and Media Planner - Dana Rahal.

Participating students believe that their collaboration with Ogilvy for their senior MCOM project was a once in a lifetime experience. Similar projects not only help foster new learning and understanding, but also help in bridging the gap between what they learn in theory and the practical world. The best part about this collaboration was that they were treated like professionals all the way through and that really motivated them to bring out their best.

Impressed by the students’ creative presentations, Mr. Evan Kearney, Strategic Planning Director at Memac Ogilvy & Mather commented: “The passion and effort the students displayed not only their coursework, but in how they presented that work to us, were truly impressive. Some of the ideas presented were ones I would have been proud to have developed myself."  

One of the AUD School of Business Administration’s missions is to enhance the students’ curriculum by providing real world projects that allows them to test their learning while promoting mutually beneficial partnerships between the University agencies and multinational corporations in a way that showcases the talent of AUD Students and Faculty.
Looking forward to a future collaboration between AUD and the agency, Dr. Sara Kamal added: “The student teams and I are very appreciative of the wonderful project and support provided to us by Memac Ogilvy & Mather team. I hope to continue this tradition next year with our upcoming capstone course.”

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