
Discover America at AUD: screening of ‘Into the Unknown’

Event in collaboration with the UAE Space Agency

Oct 26, 2016

The American University in Dubai (AUD) screened the Northrop Grumman Foundation documentary film “Into the Unknown”, a behind-the-scenes look at the people building NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope - a revolutionary space observatory that will expand our understanding of the universe when it launches in late 2018.
The event was organized by the UAE Space Agency in collaboration with the US Embassy in the UAE, part of Discover America 2016, a series of events and activities designed to showcase the best in American innovation, wellness and sustainability.
After the screening of the film, specialist from Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems Alberto Conti, Innovation Manager, Civil Space, Global Strategy and Mission Solutions, Konstantinos Makrygiannis, Director and Deputy Program Manager, James Webb Space Telescope, and Krystal Puga, Engineering Technical Operations Project Manager for University and STEM Relations answered questions from the students and advised them to continue studying and specializing in space science.
Dr. Fatima Al Aydaroos, Space Science Senior Specialist at the UAE Space Agency stressed that the aim of the film was to motivate students to study the disciplines of space science and to observe practical applications of industry technology in HD.
She added that spaceflight was a major goal for the UAE, emphasizing the importance of the Emirates Mars Mission and the Hope Spacecraft by the Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre, “motivating students, and particularly UAE Nationals to specialize in space sciences is integral to the success of the country’s space exploration ambitions.”
Dr. Al Aydaroos also spoke about the launch of the Genes in Space challenge in the UAE, a competition where high school students propose a DNA experiment to be conducted aboard the International Space Station.

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