Professor of Management
School of Business
Department of Management and Marketing
Ph.D. Griffith University, Australia
MA. Waseda University, Japan
BBA. The Athens Graduate School of Economic and Business Science, Greece
Before joining AUD professor Dedousis worked at Griffith University, the American University of Beirut, King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals, and held short-term appointments in universities in Japan, South Korea, and Singapore. Professor Dedousis has worked in the Greek Sugar Industry and in multinational corporations including National Panasonic (Osaka), 3M (Oslo), and Oy E Sarlin (Helsinki).
Reflecting a diversity of research interests, professor Dedousis’ works have appeared in the Journal of Management, Higher Education, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Journal of Islamic Marketing, Employee Relations, International Journal of Management Education, Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, Journal of Marketing and Operations Management Research, Corporate Ownership and Control, Industry and Higher Education, e-Journal of Business Education & Scholarship of Teaching and in books by Routledge, IGI Global, Longman, and Academic Press.
Professor Dedousis has received the Provost’s Award for Outstanding Research and was included in the Academic Keys Who’s Who in Business Higher Education. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Review of Educational Theory, and serves in the editorial board of Open Management (Ge Rruyter), Management and Business Research Quarterly, Journal of Educators Online (JEO), Journal of Management Research, and the International Journal of Economics and Business Administration.
Professor Dedousis has served in external committees evaluating academic programs and internal quality assurance systems in several universities in Greece.
Professor Dedousis has conducted seminars on corporate governance and leadership development for members of the BOD of a large auto-manufacturing company and training sessions in cross-cultural management, corporate culture and organizational design for senior academic personnel from universities in Africa.