
AUD’s 5 Year Strategic Plan & Sustainability Strategy

AUD nurtures and supports student projects that focus on sustainable solutions, through its Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Middle East Cities Center and the Infrastructure Sustainability and Assessment Center as well as through undergraduate and graduate student research and creative work.

AUD’s sustainability strategy is driven by its broad stakeholder engagement and integrates the 4 priorities that are part of its five-year strategic plan.

  • Academic Excellence
  • Student Success
  • Campus
  • Community

Academic Excellence & Sustainability

  1. Engage with industry, government and community partners to advance engagements and activities that are part of the sustainability agendas
  2. Promote SDGs across the curriculum in an engaging and comprehensive manner
  3. Nurture social entrepreneurship projects in the classroom and through the Centers
  4. Expand teaching and research collaborations with local, regional and international universities
  5. Promote innovation through faculty and student research and creative work in the classroom and with the community at large
  6. Nurture and support the role of female faculty and students in STEM disciplines

Student Success & Sustainability

  1. Support the establishment of startups that are aligned with the SDGs through the AEIC
  2. Embed entrepreneurship/innovation skills across the curriculum and through extra-curricular endeavors
  3. Promote SDGs across the curriculum in an engaging and comprehensive manner
  4. Raise awareness around SDGs through extracurricular activities
  5. Provide an accessible education to all which aims at reducing inequality between genders and underrepresented groups, & enhancing diversity and inclusion efforts

Campus & Sustainability

  1. Increase initiatives that can help enhance the sustainability of campus facilities
  2. Promote awareness on campus of energy savings and efficiency which will lead to decreasing the amount of energy consumption across campus
  3. Enhance the processes that will lead to the operational efficiency of university services

Community & Sustainability

  1. Promote student-alumni-faculty-staff engagement around the SDGs both on campus and across the community while also engaging public and private sector partners in such endeavors (through clubs, awareness events, and tangible environmental actions)
  2. Engage students in interdisciplinary projects focused on sustainable cities and communities
  3. Expand collaboration with industry and government partners that support the SDGS
  4. Host workshops/events open to higher education institutions, the internal AUD community & external community members that raise awareness on the opportunities and challenges associated with the various SDGs

The American University in Dubai views the commitment to sustainability as a long term one and therefore its strategy and all related endeavors are continuously revised and expanded in order to respond to current emerging issues that are relevant to Dubai, the UAE and the wider global community. AUD will work in accordance with its mission to contribute to the environmental well- being of both internal and external communities. The university will continue to strengthen ties with corporate entities and NGOs that share its commitment to sustainability

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