
Aidana Mametaliyeva

Human Resources Coordinator

Office of Human Resources


CIPD Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People Practice
B.S. in Computer Science, Eurasian National University

Aidana holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Eurasian National University and a CIPD Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People Practice. With over eleven years of experience across various fields, she has focused the last three years on a Human Resources role within the Insurance sector, driven by her profound interest in HR.

Aidana's special interests lie in helping people fulfill their potential and thrive in their jobs, as well as conducting research on best practices for maintaining a positive, values-based work environment.

Beyond her professional life, Aidana is a passionate enthusiast of nature, hiking, and a wide array of outdoor activities. She derives immense joy from exploring the natural world and embarking on outdoor adventures.

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