AUD is committed to continuous improvement of its academic programs and student services. Assessment at AUD is an ongoing process that evaluates the effectiveness of every aspect of the university. Data are regularly gathered and analyzed for the purpose of making improvements where needed. The university’s model of institutional effectiveness and planning places the student at the center of the educational experience. Thus, students, along with all other university stakeholders, may be asked to participate in various types of assessment activities. Including surveys, focus groups, and program review.
Mission The mission of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness is to advance the quality of teaching and learning, and organizational effectiveness through a process of continuous improvement based on internationally recognized quality assurance measures and standards.
The information gathered from assessment activities is used to improve student learning, services, and the overall institution. Student involvement in the assessment process to enhance the educational experiences is essential and therefore AUD values student participation.
AUD follows The Family and Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and ensures student confidentiality is maintained and protected in all university assessment processes and educational records.