Located in Dubai and cognizant of the educational, economic and social development priorities of its environment, AUD believes that the most impactful contribution it can make to society is to graduate students prepared to meet the needs and challenges of both a dynamic Middle East and a world subject to constant and rapid change. Accordingly, the university recognizes and places special emphasis on the key role of faculty members in enhancing the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process. To this end, the university expects faculty members to remain current in their academic disciplines through professional engagement and through research and creative output that advances teaching, practice and knowledge in their disciplines. AUD provides various mechanisms to support these endeavors and enable faculty members to meet the university’s expectations and grow as educators and scholars.
Research and creative activity undertaken by faculty members will enhance program quality and learning outcomes achievement in the teaching disciplines. AUD will proactively pursue greater visibility as a teaching-focused institution in which high quality intellectual and creative output produced by faculty members contributes to knowledge in the various disciplines and enriches the teaching and learning process at the university.
The following objectives will be pursued within the context of AUD’s teaching-focused mission and policy on support for faculty research, scholarly and creative activity: