
How Virtual Reality Is Changing the World of Design

A Conversation with Michael Naguib & Daniel Joseph Khayat

Start Tue, Sep 14
End Tue, Sep 14

This session from the CRID Webinar Series will host Senior Architect at the MENA studio of LWK + PARTNERS, Michael Naguib, and Head of Product at HTC Middle East and Africa, Daniel Joseph Khayat who will shed light on the importance of virtual reality in the design industry. Immersive Technologies within Architecture, Engineering, Construction Sectors are no longer a luxury, they are an intrinsic part of the process to overcome major challenges in the construction industry. In the session we will showcase real-life examples implementing immersive technologies to design workflow. In addition, HTC VIVE will take you through the journey of Virtual Reality and how the company is unleashing human imagination. Also, will elaborate on in class examples of Virtual Reality for Design and Visualization, and will showcase the impact of VR on the construction, architecture and eventually the design industry.   

Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 1:00pm (Dubai)


CRID webinar series poster

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