
Congratulations to Dr. Omar Sabbagh for his fifth book entitled, “To My Mind”

The book is a collection of his best critical writings consisting of essays, papers, articles and reviews from 2012-2020.

Dec 21, 2020

Congratulations to Dr. Omar Sabbagh for his fifth book entitled, “To My Mind” that was released this month! The book is a collection of his best critical writings consisting of essays, papers, articles and reviews from 2012-2020.

“This new book collating what I think are my best critical writings, between 2012-2020, hopes to show my particular way of doing critical reading, then thinking, then writing. And more, my rather highfalutin hope is that by embossing with this collection the stamp of an individual critical manner and persona, I may bye-the-bye display how creative critical writing can be or is.” - Dr. Omar Sabbagh

Omae Sabbagh Book Cover


Dr. Sabbagh is a widely published poet, writer and critic. From 2006 to the present his poetry has appeared in many prestigious venues, such as: Agenda, Banipal, Kenyon Review Online, PN Review, Poetry Review, Poetry Wales, Stand, The Moth, The Reader, The Warwick Review, The Wolf, (T&F) New Writing, New Humanist, Two Thirds North, and Acumen, among others.

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