
Unlocking the Secrets of Cancer: Cutting-edge Insights on Understanding and Combating this Global Leading Cause of Mortality

Sustainability Lecture Series

Nov 13, 2023
School of Arts & Sciences

Dr. Muriel Tahtouh Zaatar, Chair of the Department of Biological and Physical Sciences, along with two senior biology students, Ms. Marita Machreki and Mr. Elias Hajjar, presented an insightful talk as part of the AUD Sustainability Lecture Series. The discussion focused on the pivotal role of Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs) in treatment failure and cancer recurrences. The presentation explored key findings from their recently published paper, highlighting the distinctive characteristics of CSCs, their response to cancer therapy, available treatments targeting CSCs, and emerging technologies aimed at optimizing cancer management and improving patient outcomes. The talk also emphasized the vital importance of raising awareness and fostering research in this field to combat one of the leading causes of death.




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