
Singer Faia Younan in concert at AUD

Event hosted by the AUD Palestinian Student Cultural Club

Feb 20, 2016

The Palestinian Student Cultural Club at the American University in Dubai (AUD) organized a live concert featuring the singer Faia Younan on the 20th of February in the AUD auditorium.
The club hosted the famous Syrian vocal artist, for an evening of deep and authentic art. Faia is best known for her “To Our Countries” performance featuring her sister Rihan, in a hit YouTube video that has surpassed 2 million views. Her debut marked the beginning of her journey of profound musical works, which distinguish her repertoire. Faia also participated in the opening of the prestigious Carthage Film Festival in Tunisia.
The success Faia has achieved in her concerts at the Opera House at Damascus and the UNSCO Palace in Beirut have put her in the spotlight as a leading young Arab artist who presents art with humanitarian, cultural and social messages.
The Palestinian Cultural Club, a student organization working within the university sphere, has a history of activities aimed at aiding the less fortunate. The Club has previously hosted famous Arab Idol Mohammad Assaf, donating the profits of his concert to the Palestinian refugees of Yarmouk Camp. In the same year, the club also organized a Palestinian Night, featuring a series of performances including a standup comedy, dabkeh dance and live music, whose profits were donated to the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. Additionally, the club organized “From Dubai, here is Damascus,” an event featuring famous Arab rap singers, and whose profits were used to donate food, blankets and clothing to Syrian refugees in Jordan.
The club has been honored to also host a concert featuring Marcel Khalifa, events attended by Julia Boutros, and an evening with the late Palestinian poet Samih al Qasim who performed for the last time on AUD’s stage.
The Palestinian Student Cultural Club has also organized several seminars with the theme "Succesful Palestinians", hosting Palestinian Director Iskandar Kopty who was nominated for an Academy Award, Reyes Kamal founder of Arabs Tech, and finally Susan Hopi the first Arab woman to climb Everest.
Faia Younan’s concert at AUD was exceptional.

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