
Mohammadhossein Ghasempourabadi

Assistant Professor of Architecture

School of Architecture, Art & Design

Department of Architecture


Post-Doctoral Research Scientist, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Doctorate, Architecture & Building Technology, TU/e + Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
B.Sc. + M.Sc. Architectural Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran

Dr. Ghasempourabadi is an accomplished architect, previously serving as a postdoctoral researcher at the SimTigrate Design Lab (SDL), Georgia Institute of Technology. He joins AUD with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the fields of sustainability and building technology.

Dr. Ghasempourabadi’s research primarily focuses on improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions through evidence-based and human-centered design approaches. With a strong interdisciplinary background, he endeavors to enhance environmental design outcomes, leveraging his expertise in architecture and building technology. His contributions, including multiple patents and numerous academic research papers in top journals, underscore his commitment to advancing sustainable solutions within the field.

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