
Linda Smith

Assistant Professor of International Relations

School of Arts & Sciences

Department of International and Middle Eastern Studies


Ph.D. in Political Science, Florida International University
Master of Public Administration, Texas Southern University
B.A. in Political Science and Spanish, Illinois State University

Dr. Smith was appointed Assistant Professor of Political Science in the International and Middle Eastern Studies Department at the American University in Dubai in January 2022.

She previously taught courses in Political Science, International Relations, Public Administration, and Women’s Studies in the United States at Texas Southern University, Florida International University, and Houston Community College.

Dr. Smith’s research is in the fields of Political Science and International Relations and primarily takes a comparative approach to analyzing the interplay of domestic and transnational factors that advance or undermine the expansion of social citizenship rights for marginalized populations especially in Africa and the African Diaspora.

In addition to teaching and research, Linda has extensive experience working with governments, international organizations, and institutes assessing policies aimed at good-governance and the expansion of social citizenship rights in Latin America and Africa including Brazil, Ghana, Nigeria.

Dr. Smith’s has given lectures and research presentations internationally at various conferences and universities. Her work has been published in academic journals and resulted in a $250,000 grant for the creation of an E-government center.

In her free time, Linda enjoys listening to Salsa and Soul music, and trying to keep her balcony herb garden alive.

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