
Thomas Corbin

Associate Professor of Business Administration

School of Business

Department of Decision Sciences and General Business


J.D., WMU-Cooley Law School, Lansing Michigan, USA
B.Sc. in Political Science, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti Michigan, USA

Thomas Philip Corbin Jr., joined AUD as Assistant Professor in Fall 2015. He was promoted to Associate Professor in September of 2017 and served as Chair of the Department of General Business and Management from February of 2022 through August 2023. Professor Corbin is a licensed attorney with the Michigan Bar Association. He has delivered undergraduate and graduate coursework both on ground and online to students in the United States, Ecuador, Papua New Guinea, Saudi Arabia and now the United Arab Emirates. He has acted as an administrator and external program reviewer for online programs in the US and Ecuador. His research and publication agenda include works in Law, Management and Best Ethical Business Practices. Professor Corbin has also been recognized in the past for his work with student organizations and for work in the Humanities at the Prince Mohammed Bin Fahd University in Saudi Arabia.

In his spare time Thomas Corbin is active in youth sports and currently serves as a member of the scholarship committee for Dubai Little League and has previously coached for the Dubai Little League. Professor Corbin and his family enjoy traveling, history, politics, science fiction, cartoons and Detroit Tigers Baseball. 


Digital Profiles and Footprints: 



  • Teaching Common Law in Uncommon Places: The Use of the IRAC Method in Non-Legal Studies Classrooms. Middle East North Africa Business Law Review. Lexis-Nexis-Middle East. 4th Quarter, pg. 80-84, 2021.
  • The Christmas Conundrum, Case Study and Teaching Notes: When Making an Exception is the Best Ethical Decision, Co-Author: Udo Braendle, Journal of Business Ethics Education, Volume 16, 2019,, (2019).
  • Addressing Duty of Loyalty Parameters in Partnership Agreements: The More is More Approach, The Athens Journal of Law, Vol. 5, Issue 4, pg. 363-374, e-ISSN: 2407-9685, (October 2019). (Listed in the National Library of Greece-EBSCO Indexed).
  • Institutional Memory: An Undervalued Commodity in Gulf Region Human Resource Management, Co-Authors Udo Braendle & Akram Al Matarneh, The Journal of Human Resources and Adult Learning, Vol. 1, Num. 15, pg. 163, ISSN: 1817-2105, (June 2019), ABDC: C.
  • Smokers: To Hire or Not? A Human Resources Ethics Issue, Case Scenario and Good Practices for Human Resources-Ethics Consideration, Co-Authors: Udo Braendle & Akram Al Matarneh, Journal of Business Ethics Education, Volume 15, 2018,, (2018). ABDC: B.
  • Hiring and Managing Smokers in the Modern Workplace: A Cultural and Ethics Issue, Co-Authors: Udo Braendle & Akram Al Matarneh, The Journal of Human Resources and Adult Learning, Vol. 14, Num.1, pg. 104, ISSN: 1817-2105, , (June 2018). ABDC: C.
  • Dissolution Agreements: A Priority Topic for Partnership and Closely Held Corporation During the Formation Process, International Journal of Business Law, International Legal Platform, Issue 2, pg. 274-278, ISSN: 2329-261X (February 2017). ABDC: C.
  • Changing the Rules for Receivers and Stockholders in Quasi-Derivative Actions, Case Study: Coppola v. Manning, 2015 Mich App LEXIS 2152 (November 17, 2015). Thomas P. Corbin Jr., Old Issues-New Perspectives, pg. 97-106. Athens Institute for Education and Research,, ISBN: 978-960-598-174-7 (2018).
  • The Non-Usage of Jury Trials in Papua New Guinea. Co-Author: Godfrey Langtry, Role of Law, Human Rights and Social Justice, Justice Systems, Commerce, and Law Curriculum, pg.149-160. Athens Institute for Education and Research,, ISBN: 978-960-598-104-4. (2017).
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