
Internal Awards and Grant Opportunity

Provost’s Awards

Each Spring, the Provost announces the commencement of the Annual Provost’s Awards. Full time faculty can apply. Below is a list of the different categories for Provost’s Awards:

AUD Research Incentive Grant

The AUD Research Incentive Grant is awarded on a competitive basis to full-time faculty to support research that is required for publishing a peer reviewed paper or completing an ongoing project that will result in a peer reviewed deliverable (i.e. journal article, book, book chapter, exhibit, etc.). For this round of funding, application materials should be submitted (in PDF) via the link: Deadlines are available in the Faculty Handbook.

The University Research, Scholarly and Creative Work Committee will review all applications and make a recommendation to the Provost. Awards will be announced late Spring.

Application Materials:

  • Application letter
    • Scope of research
    • Timetable/schedule of research to be carried out
    • Deliverable(s)
    • Identify institutional and/or scholarly collaborations relevant to proposed research (include letters of support where applicable)
    • Contribution to teaching and learning and/or research field
    • Contribution to AUD
  • Itemized budget in dirhams
  • Evidence of all quotations/costs
  • Other supporting evidence


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